Saturday, July 11, 2009



You can't imagine how many times
I've thought about you
and how thankful I am
that you're such a good friend to me.
You and I have a
once-in-a-lifetime friendship,
the kind that isn't based just on fun,
but acceptance and caring instead.
It's so reassuring to know
that all one of us has to do is call,
the other will respond immediately-
without question, without reservation.
I never feel quite as "okay"
or understood with anyone else
as I do with you.
You are true friend-
a constant friend-
and no matter how much time passes
or where we are in our lives,
nothing will change that..

note: dedicated to someone..
hope you will forgive me.
im sure you know who you are..


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LoViNG BuT AbSoLuTeLy DoNt KnOw HoW To ShOw n iMPrEss.. fRiEnDLy BuT ExTreMely HaRd To TaLk DuRiNg FiRsT MeetInG... TaLkAtIvE BuT vErY Shy To tAlK In FrOnT Of PuBLic... ToO SenSiTiVE anD TryInG tO ReDuCE IT...

Thx SO MUch2!!