Thursday, July 30, 2009

Anis GumBira!!!!!!!!!


Anis cuma gumbira..
tatau nape..hehe..
seronook nimati hidup nie..
melayan perasaan...
walaupun angan2..haha!
to feel free...bebas atas muka bumi ni...
cma xley la terbang..
haha! cuti midsem aritu sgt best...
paling best...
gy mandi air terjun,
men bowling ngan bangah je...
nonton midnite movie dgn bangh je...hehe
pegy teman bangah amek test JPJ...
ops!!! tsrmpak ngan roadblock JPJ
otw to the test..haha!
dramatik tol!
gy tdo umah m.ngah..play2 wif syabil..
yg makin nakal, kuat merengek n ngade2 skunk ni..haha
tp syok layan dia..
jumpa aisyah my first cousin pompuan..
yg umo 4 thn tue
yg slalu xmau kat org slen ayah n mak dia
tp slalu mau cket2 kat spupu Pompuan dia ni...(perasan je0
jumpa akif, adik aisyah yg prangai cm kakak dia gak
so FUN!!!
play ball tampar dlm kolam wif bangah, adik,pit, aiman n pak su..
haha..see!!! suma laki.. thath was my family..
laki mang bnyak..penyumbang laki utk dunia ni..haha
masa utk pulang ke UIA aritu..masih hepy..
tp rasa xmau balik sgt3..
1st time mendarat di DUTa just enjoying my study here..
no hard feeling..
activity anis kat UIA minggu ni...
cuma pegy klas. kat bilik??
blaja math..wat tutor tiru2..haha
dengar lagu..berangan...blaja FIM and i enjoy doing all those thing...
walaupun demam n anis HAPPY!!!!!
and i keep watching
over n over n over again..
i like that muvee too much!! haha



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