Tuesday, March 6, 2012

xsuke tido

0 what do you think???

  • Aktiviti yg paling xsuka sebab..
  1. bila saya tidur saya susah nak bangun
  2. bila bangun dari tidur saya jd blurr sgt2...(xska jd cmtu)
  • Saya xsuke bila bangun lewat sebab tidur sebab saya akan jadi kelam kabut dan banyak kerja saya terbegkalai
  • but of course manusia perlu tidur. xkan xtidur mang xbetula owg tu..tp cukup la sekadar perlu...
  • I believe, if u sleep a lot there will be a lot that u missed. in this world n the hereafter.

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xsuke dok lam bilik

0 what do you think???

  • Bila dok lam bilik sllu rase serba xkena, rimas, malas, ngantuk..mcm2....sume prasaan tu xbest...ase lemau, lesu...
  • Bila dok lam bilik mesti pk mcm2 yg tesilap buat, tesilap cakap, tersilap segalanya pastu regret. But idun think all of it that worse pown. perasaan sendiri je.
  • 1 more, bila dok lam bilik, rase letih cm separuh mati padahal bile kuar blh je lagi lari round UIA.
  • Tambah lg bila dok lam bilik slalu dapat sleeping disorder, ngantuk tp xley tido, letih tapi xleh rehat, xcukup tido w.pun da terlebih tido.

Sume ni syndrome ape ni???padahal patutnye lam bilik best. xpanas. ade katil blh baring sambil makan, makan sambil tgk movie, tgk movie sambil brangan, pastu brangan la sampai tido...cm ade yg xkene je...cari ape ni sebenarnye??? :)

  • i always plan my work tp bila kat bilik i always cant work my plan...hurrmm..

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Anis GumBira!!!!!!!!!

0 what do you think???

Anis cuma gumbira..
tatau nape..hehe..
seronook nimati hidup nie..
melayan perasaan...
walaupun angan2..haha!
to feel free...bebas atas muka bumi ni...
cma xley la terbang..
haha! cuti midsem aritu sgt best...
paling best...
gy mandi air terjun,
men bowling ngan bangah je...
nonton midnite movie dgn bangh je...hehe
pegy teman bangah amek test JPJ...
ops!!! tsrmpak ngan roadblock JPJ
otw to the test..haha!
dramatik tol!
gy tdo umah m.ngah..play2 wif syabil..
yg makin nakal, kuat merengek n ngade2 skunk ni..haha
tp syok layan dia..
jumpa aisyah my first cousin pompuan..
yg umo 4 thn tue
yg slalu xmau kat org slen ayah n mak dia
tp slalu mau cket2 kat spupu Pompuan dia ni...(perasan je0
jumpa akif, adik aisyah yg prangai cm kakak dia gak
so FUN!!!
play ball tampar dlm kolam wif bangah, adik,pit, aiman n pak su..
haha..see!!! suma laki.. thath was my family..
laki mang bnyak..penyumbang laki utk dunia ni..haha
masa utk pulang ke UIA aritu..masih hepy..
tp rasa xmau balik sgt3..
1st time mendarat di DUTa
urm...im just enjoying my study here..
no hard feeling..
activity anis kat UIA minggu ni...
cuma pegy klas. kat bilik??
blaja math..wat tutor sendiri..no tiru2..haha
dengar lagu..berangan...blaja FIM and i enjoy doing all those thing...
walaupun demam n xchat..tp anis HAPPY!!!!!
and i keep watching
over n over n over again..
i like that muvee too much!! haha



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Saturday, July 11, 2009


0 what do you think???

You can't imagine how many times
I've thought about you
and how thankful I am
that you're such a good friend to me.
You and I have a
once-in-a-lifetime friendship,
the kind that isn't based just on fun,
but acceptance and caring instead.
It's so reassuring to know
that all one of us has to do is call,
the other will respond immediately-
without question, without reservation.
I never feel quite as "okay"
or understood with anyone else
as I do with you.
You are true friend-
a constant friend-
and no matter how much time passes
or where we are in our lives,
nothing will change that..

note: dedicated to someone..
hope you will forgive me.
im sure you know who you are..

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

0 what do you think???

BASICALLY, my life today started with FIM class at 2pm. late rite? yeah..but its better late than never if u cant make it early..
Urmmmm...i mean..im not wake up at 2pm...but...my soul is still sleep at the time i was wake up....until 2pm..
hah...all of this...so wrong...very wrong..huh...me...or my body..or my heart..or my brain...or even my body system are a lil' bit unstable, lately.
Im worried about my quiz, tutor marks, and midsem which will be coming around on the day after tomorrow...and i feel like im still not ready..not enough...mentally n physically..
But, in the mean time, i was disturbed by a beautiful feeling...which is also hurting sometimes...but its beautiful..yah!!!so beautiful...thats it!
But rite now..the thing that i wanna tell everybody is about my 'soul waker' today(*the FIM class)..
HOW???ITS WAKE ME UP???ok..lets me tell u...

today's topic is PILLARS OF IMAN
we know that definition of IMAN is to believe in the heart beyond the least shadow of doubt (meaning that we should not have any doubt about rukun iman at all)
suddenly ustazah said something interesting...

ustazah: "selalu org akan kate PERCAYA SEPENUH HATI...yeah or BELIEVE IN THE HEART...we will never say..PERCAYA SEPENUH AKAL...

why?? sbub..prcya adalah dgn hati..yg akan membawa kepada otak utk berfikir tntng logik ke x rukun iman ni...then kta akan percaya 100%. ok...as muslim..kta mang kne prcya...if not..then u r not lah...mean percaya/believe...its come from heart....

ok wat im talking about just now is tntng prcya pada ALLAH, KUASANYA....and about ISLAM...

ustazah: dont trust people 100%...

ni la..yg paling wat anis nak dengar....

ustazah: even your future husband pun nanti...jgn perccaya 100%...give some space to urself...klu x...2 la yang brlaku kgansan dan sbgnya tp para pompuan senyap je...x lapor...syang suami la katekann...but it ILLEGAL!!!

ustazah kate..pcaye 65% je...sikit kan??? hurmmm
pacaya suami pun suami pun ustzh suruh 65% je...cne lak yg lum kawin 2???
haha...blum kawin lg da pcye 101% da kawin??? hurmmmni la yg wat jd mcm2 ni...
to all GIRLS and WOMEN out there...jgn la cam2 k??? beringat..
maksd my teacher dia bkn srh kta xstia tp...kta msti brsdia utk sbrg kemungkn...
pcya kpd manusia xsame dgn pcye pada ALLAH yg maha esa...ALLAH 2 maha agung...
HE deserve to get more...krn kita tau ALLAH xkan khianati kte...kte xkn kcw dgn ALLAH slg kte ikut ptnjuknye...tp pcye pd manusia adalh sesuatu yg semntara...hati manusia...fkrn dan sgalanya pd manusia sntiasa brubah...terutamanya HATI....jd...jika ape2 brlaku kmbalilah pd ALLAH...kita smua akan rasa tenang...

bla ckp pasal ni...(dont trust husband 100%)...budak2 laki mula la bunyi mcm2...xstuju la katekn...x aci la kan...jatuh maruah lelaki mrk..haha!!! n tbe2 mncul 1 suara..

student laki 2: SUBMISSION (serah diri)....

he ask for the wife to submit themselve to husband...amboi2...hehe..xstuju btl nmpknye..hehe...

ok before that..


that guy nak samakn definition nmpknye...but

ustazah: no submission in human being is equal to submission to ALLAH...

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

teka teki

0 what do you think???

blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comk.. lame x unpdate kan?? hurmmm...nape ek...haha!!! sbub anis asyik melayan prasaan la 4 this 2 weeks...
pnt...Quiz...exam...suma lah..
rite now pun ngah study la...4 midsem kimia hari jumaat neyh...
haha..pnt sgt...da brape hari nttah xtdo...
klu tdo pun tdo kul 6 bgn kul 7 utk study...
but something disturbing me la..
thats why asek xley study...haha..
halnye...anis mang xtau bnda yg disturb anis...i mean "that" feeling is rite or not...
no..no..maybe its rite...but anis kne focus on my study...MUST!!!!!!
keyh..da..nak study!!!!!!! jgn pk ngat k???
but it make me happy...haha!!! smpai xley study...
nak makan pun i jd mals....asek rasa nak pk ja...haha....
ok2....kne jumpe dr ke???

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Monday, June 29, 2009

2 DaYs Be A GPDP Commitee

0 what do you think???

Ok..serius...best sgt...jd commitee ngan bebudak ni...mean this group..
ops!! suddenly je kan..haha
keyh..camni r..tanggal 27 Jun 09 till 28 Jun 09..
anis decide untuk jadi commitee
GPDP (Global Player Development Programme)
that was the first time anis terlibat ngan benda management camni since masuk UIA ni..
kenape ek..masa first year xpenah rasa teringin pun..betul..
tp best gak sebenarnye terlibat ngan benda2 society camni..
tetibe jd minat walaupun first time..
banyak bende yang kita bley belaja bla kita masuk benda2 camni..
bukan je hal2 pengurusan..
kte gak bley blaja tentang org..
kat situ kta kna berurusan ngan org2 yang kadang2 kita x penah kenal pun kan..
benda camni bgs..utk aja kita suvive...

k back to tajuk asal..

Project Manager: Muhammad Hilmi Muhammad Arif
Ass.Project Manager: Nur Syazlina binti Puteh
Secretary/Treasurer: Nur Liyana Bunyamin
Programme Coordinator: Shahril
Ass. Programme Coordinator: Anis Suriza binti Abdul Manap
Pred.& Tech.: (Hafiz, Zai, John, Amirul, Hanafi...n ramai agy)
Attendace: Qama/Sa'a
Ass. Attendance: Nur Aqilah binti Hatta
Catering: Meen, Sofi, Soal..

2 lah antara rakan2 yang terlibat..klu ttinggal maaf..or gytau la ek..
k...since anis x penah telibat..
so anis agak xtau ape bende kene wat..
anis cuba la bantu apa yang p;atut kan..
tp seriusly specifically keje anis, anis xtau..
since shahril pun wat keje..sorunk2 jerk..:)
masa sebelum program 2 rasa cam xde bende kene wat..
n sengal2 cm blank2..
arahan pun xdapat ngan jelas..
then bla tiba hari yang sepatutnya..
ok..banyak gila masalah..
huhu...mang cam x pecaye..
tp...best sgt pnglmn ni...
the best ever...
yg smpai ley wat anis rasa syg ngat kat UIA..
haha...because of u all fren...
love ya!!!!

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My LoiS ShOEs

My LoiS ShOEs
My HoT StUfF

AzAmKU BaTaUn2

About Me

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LoViNG BuT AbSoLuTeLy DoNt KnOw HoW To ShOw n iMPrEss.. fRiEnDLy BuT ExTreMely HaRd To TaLk DuRiNg FiRsT MeetInG... TaLkAtIvE BuT vErY Shy To tAlK In FrOnT Of PuBLic... ToO SenSiTiVE anD TryInG tO ReDuCE IT...

Thx SO MUch2!!